Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fashion! *finger quotes

It makes sense that I've been thinking about fashion lately. I've been back in Duluth for a year now, and I work for a major women's retailer based right here in my own home town. I never really paid that much attention to fashion before I started this job, to tell you the truth. And as I begin to think about it more and more, I have been observing those around me, looking for trends, what people are wearing, where our styles originate, how do we wear them. And I've come to a conclusion:

Duluthians don't do fashion.

Hate to say it, but it's true. And it makes sense, living in a town where the climate is largely inhospitable for much of the year. Toss away those stilettos, I need my winter boots, please. Forget the cute top with the ruch sleeves and sequined detail, I need layers, preferably made out of fleece, flannel or an animal. I won't eat that animal but am not above wrapping it around me for warmth when the windchill is -70.

Of course I exaggerate. It's what I do. But the truth is that Duluthians, by and large, have a difficult time embracing fashion and I feel it's mostly due to the weather. The other reason might have something to do with our frugal ancestors who hid hundred dollar bills in the walls of their homes and maintained the same hairstyle since the forties, but we won't go there. Except to say that that particular relative of mine still wore pantsuits from 50 years back. I ain't sayin', I'm just sayin'.

So what's a girl to do, regardless of age or career, income or relationship status, to try to look good in a town so clueless to fashion? I intend to take a stab at that question, and through this blog hope to help the anti-fashionistas become a little bit more fashion-forward, without sending conservative/frugal little old granny through the roof. And along the way, hopefully I'll be able to help myself. In case you couldn't already tell, I'm the worst offender. I still own a pair of Crocs. Yes, it's that bad.